The Science of Spirals

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes!”

— Carl Jung

A Nautilus shell and a Chameleon’s tail. 

The Milky Way and the Double Helix.

A hurricane and a human finger. 

The Parthenon and the Pyramids. 

Or the dive path of a peregrine falcon and the propulsive power of the human heart. 

All are naturally occurring designs, from the macrocosm to the microcosm. And all are based on the same universal form and formula — the ratio of 1.618 — that has been called everything from the Golden Section to Nature’s Secret Code to the language of God itself.

This is the pattern of the spiral — and it is equal parts science and spirituality, and a reminder of the inherent numinosity of the natural world.

Our awareness of the spiral goes back as far as human history can record, from its ubiquity in Stone Age art to its place in Shiva’s hand as a symbol of the instrument of creation. It is the emblem of geomancy, and the path by which we describe either upward or downward growth.

The word itself is a reminder of its deep roots in our collective memory.  In Latin, the word volute, or “spiral movement,” lives on in current words we use to describe the change process itself, from evolution to revolution. In ancient Greek, the word spirare  means “to breathe.” And in Sanskrit, the word for spiral is also the name of a form of yoga that relies on breath to harness the upward, circular path of tantric energy through the body and towards a higher state of consciousness: kundalini.

Despite its mystical origins, however (not to mention its ubiquitous recurrence in nature), the spiral’s spiritual significance has become somewhat lost in our modern world. But it was not lost to past generations — and if the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung is to be believed, its significance still swirls through our collective unconscious. 

The rules for a spiral’s universal design are simple enough: divide a line into two parts, with one of the two parts longer than the other, such that the ratio of the whole line to the longer section is the same as the ratio between the two sections — a number that is almost two-thirds, but not quite. 


Also known as phi, this number was integral to the geometry of antiquity. It was used as a basis for the construction of the world’s most sacred buildings. It provided Leonardo da Vinci with the symmetrical structure of the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, and inspired Vincent Van Gogh’s brushstroke patterns in Starry, Starry Night. 

Da Vinci also saw in the spiral’s form and function an unmatched design for the transmission of energy, as demonstrated in his hydraulic devices and Archimedean screws. And after learning from ancient Sanskrit texts about a different form for its expression — one in which the last two integers of a sequence are added together to make the next number, such that the ratio of each term to the previous one gradually converges to a limit of  . . . you guessed it . . . 1.618 — the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci helped it achieve a wider application.

Indeed, plants, animals, human beings, and the galaxies of the universe all possess dimensional properties that adhere to the ratio of phi to 1. 


Its beauty and mystery comes from the fact that no one can say for sure. But close observers feel its upward circular path traces a definable pattern of movement that helps govern the one universal constant: change.

As American astronomer Lloyd Motz put it, “The stellar constellations themselves, and the almost mathematical symmetry of the spiral nebulae, are examples of forms and structures that recur time after time throughout the universe, as though there were identical moulds through space into which the matter of the universe has been poured.” 

The great Hungarian journalist Arthur Koestler agreed. “There are many turns of the spiral,” he wrote, “from the slime-mould upwards, but at each turn we are confronted with the same polarity, the same Janus-faced holons, one face of which says I am the centre of the world, the other, I am a part in search of the whole.”


Seeds for a Better World

I’m writing a new book with some cool folks — a field guide for a better world. The goal is to translate the core design principles of the natural world, and show readers how to apply those principles in the service of creating better human systems (including, and not limited to, our schools).

To do it right, however, we need your help. So here’s the idea, and the challenge:

Imagine a small metal tin filled with colorful index cards — sort of like your Grandma’s old recipe box, but in this case, instead of each card showing you how to make peach cobbler or yummy meatloaf, they’re showing you how to build a better world.

Now, imagine that each seed/card outlines something tangible to do — the sort of thing that anyone, anywhere, can apply and “plant” in their own life and work immediately (since our own behavior is the only thing we can actually control).

Next, imagine that these seeds are scattered across the following six categories of individual action: TEACHING, LEARNING, PARENTING, LEADING, CREATING, and BEING. And imagine that every seed/card has a front and a back that outlines the what (do I do), the how (do I do it), the who (gave me this seed), and the why (should i make time to do this?

By way of example, here are three, properly titled and categorized, along with their authors and a way to go deeper.

But the real question is, what would be your seed(s) of contribution to the tin?

Maybe it’s an idea/recipe original to you, or maybe it’s an excerpt from some super useful thing you read by someone else. But if you could only provide a single seed/idea/recipe to be planted in the service of building a better world, what would it be?

Standing by for all clarifying questions and ideas, and thanks in advance for your thought and creativity!


One of the most important questions any school or teacher can ask is simple: “How can we be more thoughtful about what we do?”

Unfortunately, it’s not the question we ask most frequently. The question schools and teachers have fallen in love with — “What more should we be doing? — is much more dangerous. It also leads to the creation of unsustainable systems.

The better question, the sustainable question, the question that frees up resources for schools to do more is the question of reflection and refinement.

Schools are better when they create spaces and expectations for reflection.

Formalized protocols for the adoption of reflective practices abound — though a good place to start is What’s most important, however, is simply creating the space and support for reflecting on the work that is already being done. And while it would be ideal if this reflective practice started with the principal, it could start anywhere.

In fact, it should start everywhere. Department chairs, classroom teachers, sports coaches — we can all be models of reflection to those with whom we work. That’s why reflective practice means asking not, “What more can we be doing?” but “How can we do what we’re already doing. better?”




All parents experience times when their children say things and get upset about issues that don’t seem to make sense. At moments like this, however, one of the least effective things we can do is jump in and argue with our child’s faulty logic. Instead, we need to recognize that our children are experiencing a right-brain, nonrational, emotional flood, which guarantees that any sort of logical, literal left-brain response will only make the situation worse.

Instead, try this: Connect with the right. Redirect with the left.

When a child is upset, logic often won’t work until we have responded to the right brain’s emotional needs.By letting our children know that we hear what is upsetting them, we show that we are tuned into how they are feeling. Instead of fighting against the huge waves of emotion, we surf them.

After responding with the right, we can redirect with the left through logical explanation and planning. It won’t always do the trick, but Connecting and Redirecting will almost always work better than Commanding and Demanding. It’s as if you’re a lifeguard who swims out, puts your arms around your child, and helps him to shore before telling him not to swim out so far next time.





  1. Sit in a comfortable position.
  2. Take 3 slow, deep breaths.
  3. Set a timer for 5 minutes.
  4. Relax into your body.
  5. Clear your mind.
  6. Keep going.

Meditation is all about the practice. Don’t get too focused on whether or not you’re ‘doing it right’. The process of redirecting your focus to the present moment is where the benefit comes.

One of the most valuable aspects of it is that it builds resilience over time, not only during a meditative sit, but during stressful moments in your daily life as well. With regular practice, you’ll begin to notice more space between events and your reactions. You’ll find that you are more able to make choices in how you respond rather than acting on impulse.  

Breathing out slowly through your mouth stimulates the Vagus Nerve which connects with almost every organ in your body and immediately sends signals to your brain to relax. Your heart rate slows, as does the release of cortisol (the stress hormone) into your brain.

Though it can be intimidating to begin, even this short five-minute meditation, practiced frequently, can bring noticeable stress relief and peace into your life over time. For best results, try longer meditation sessions (20 minutes or more) a few times per week. Then, these five-minute sessions will have more of an immediate impact when you need them!




What are the central elements of a healthy human identity?

What are you wondering about these days? What are you struggling with? What is becoming clear to you?

My answer to all of these questions relates to a new book we’re writing, and to our ongoing search to identify the irreducible elements of identity — the qualities and dispositions that we need in order to preserve, protect, defend, champion, encourage and honor the human spirit (and to do so at this exact moment of decadence, division, and decline).

Towards that end, I just finished Margaret Wheatley’s new book, Who Do We Choose to Be (go read it!), and as I did, I jotted down some of the qualities that I think are element-al to our development of a healthy self and spirit.

As of this moment, these feel all or mostly right to me, meaning they are truly foundational to almost anything else that matters:
Then there are other qualities I jotted down that make me wonder if they are distinct or actually sub-properties of the former. For example —
HUMILITY (as a product of levity?)
COOPERATION (as an offshoot of belonging?)
VIGILANCE (as an indicator of awareness?)
GENTLENESS (as the inevitable result of compassion?)
And then there is everything else.
What I’m wondering is, what would YOU add, change or modify? Who do you feel we need to become in order to serve as Warriors of the Human Spirit — knowing that, once we have identified them, we can begin to recalibrate our schools, communities and organizations in order to help bring those qualities more fully into being?

The (book) reviews are in!

Well, three of them at least — from the Washington Post‘s Moira McLaughlin, the Century Foundation’s Rick Kahlenberg (via Washington Monthly), and Eduflack’s orange-jacket wearing Patrick Riccards. And they’re good!

On a related note, C-SPAN posted a video of my public reading from Our School at the Francis Parker school in Chicago. Check it out — and let me know what you think.

This is what a community conversation about school reform looks like

Now that my new book is out, I’m doing a series of public talks around the country to explore core issues of choice, reform, and community.

My first event was at the legendary DC bookstore, Politics & Prose, and they videotaped the conversation, which featured everything from high-stakes testing to E.D. Hirsch to a quick crowdsourcing of the core characteristics of the ideal graduate.

See for yourself, and let me know if it was helpful.

The First Day

(Still working on my new book about the 2011-2012 school year, and thinking today about the way that journey began, exactly one year ago. Here’s another sneak peak into how it’s taking shape. As always, comments and feedback welcomed.)

The morning of her first day as a first-year teacher in a first-year school, Cassie Hurst exited her small studio apartment in Dupont Circle and walked West, against the grain of her former colleagues and her former life.

They were there across the street to remind her, perpendicular to her path, walking North to South: women in fancy suits and flip flops on their way to K street consulting jobs. Cassie felt jubilant as she crossed New Hampshire Avenue and watched them disappear from view. It was one of those jobs that first brought her to DC, right after graduating from college. Her goal was to save the world, and environmental policy seemed like a good place to start. Yet after two years on the job, all she’d learned was how to make nice-looking binders, and how long it would take her to rise up the totem pole. She’d never been so unhappy. So she decided it was time for a change.

Cassie neared the street-level entrance to Green Earth, which was spending its first year on the second floor of an office building that was still weeks away from finalizing a long-overdue punch list of renovations. Her phone rang. “I’m worried about you,” her mother said. “I’ll be fine,” she answered. She’d slept soundly for eight hours the night before. She was ready.

It was 7:00 am.

Cassie walked up the steep concrete stairwell to the school, past a patchwork of electrical tape, hanging wires, and homemade signs welcoming children and families to their new school. No families had arrived yet – the school day didn’t officially begin for another ninety minutes – but as she entered the room, her room, it occurred to her that the mere existence of a space in which to welcome people was its own cause for celebration.

Just two days earlier, the hallways had been buzzing with last-minute preparations. Workmen installed new windows in every room – a task the school’s executive director, Laura Graber, had begged the building’s owner to complete for weeks. A volunteer made her way up and down the hallways, using a green marker and stencil to affix room numbers. The white-haired father of the school’s board chair installed wire rods on the wall above the school’s welcome desk. And boxes of furniture waited to be unpacked and arranged in the main central space they called the zocalo.

All signs of the recent chaos were long gone by the time Cassie sat down at the tiny chair behind her tiny half-moon desk and exhaled. There was nothing left to do but wait.

 * * *

When her alarm clock went off the morning of the first day – 6:50am as always, and always the annoying beeping sound because nothing else would rouse her from her deep sleep – Emily Serber hopped out of bed and into the seventeen-minute routine she had honed over the previous two school years. Bathroom. Teeth. Face. Makeup. Seven minutes. Then six minutes to get dressed and four minutes to find her keys, grab her lunch, and head out the door to cross Meridian Hill Park – or, as it’s been known locally since becoming a frequent site for political demonstrations in the 1960s, Malcolm X Park.

Four years earlier, Emily was a senior student at Brown, and Michelle Rhee was a freshman chancellor of DC’s public schools. When Serber saw the December Time magazine cover of Rhee holding a broom and promising to clean house, she decided the nation’s capital was where she’d start her career.

Under Rhee’s leadership, Serber thought DC had a chance to show the rest of the country what was possible when an urban school system decided to judge teachers by their merits, to set high expectations for everyone, to up the level of rigor in urban classrooms, and to help the kids that had been most poorly served in the past by refusing to keep doing things the way they’d been done before.

She got placed at an elementary school in Mount Pleasant named after the founder of the U.S. Naval Academy: George Sutpen. It was a bumpy beginning: six weeks into her first year, she got switched from 1st to 3rd grade to replace someone who’d had a nervous breakdown in front of the children. Since then, she’d had two relatively stable years to hone her craft, and she felt like she was starting to warrant the praise she often received. And yet as she turned onto the long, sunny sidewalk that stretches in front of the three front doors of the only place she’d ever worked, Ms. Serber wondered if this year would be her last.

She entered the school’s weathered gymnasium to search for her co-teacher, Emily Creagh – together they were known as “The Two Emilys” – and meet the sixty third graders they would escort up the spiral stairs, past the main office and the colorful mural depicting Columbus’s arrival in the new world, to room 121. Children as young as three and as old as eleven stood or sat in clumps across the gym floor, waiting to be escorted to their homerooms.  Parents received last-minute registration and information forms, while interpreters moved back and forth between groups to make sure each family understood what was required.

Near the gym’s front door, Ms. Serber approached a young boy she’d heard the second grade teachers complain about last year. “How you doing, Harvey?” she said, smiling and putting an arm around his shoulder. “Did you have a great summer?” Harvey shrugged, his head down. Nearby, two girls smiled at each other – new friends perhaps? – each still holding with one hand the leg of her father, each performing her own distinct pirouette.

 * * *

As Emily Creagh waited for her friend and co-teacher to arrive, she scanned the faces filling the gymnasium. A pack of boys twitched with Puckish energy and abandon near a girl receiving final words of encouragement from her grandmother, still dressed in the traditional dress and headscarf of their home country. It was like an airport terminal – people of all shapes and colors, some reuniting, others struggling to say goodbye.

Emily Creagh loved airport terminals. Ever since she’d been a kid, following her father’s military postings around the world, she craved the sorts of spaces where you were either going somewhere exciting or being met by someone you love. As she waited for her new crop of 3rd graders to gather, Ms. Creagh felt more hopeful than she had her previous four years as a teacher. After two years of working in tandem, she and Ms. Serber finally knew what they were doing when it came to teaching kids, really teaching them, to read and write. And that summer, they’d been told that everyone coming into their class was reading on grade level – an unprecedented accomplishment– thanks to an intensive reading program the school had administered the previous Spring.

In response, the Two Emilys planned for a very different sort of school year. They bought a slew of new books – beautiful, challenging books – and spent the final weeks of August arranging their room and establishing a library that would be both inviting and well matched to the levels and interests of their kids. Ms. Creagh sat on the bottom step of the bleachers and ran her fingers around the spout of the electric kettle she’d brought in to make tea each morning, imagining the success stories that lay ahead.

 * * *

Carolla Aguiar put the phone back in her pocket and sat near the window of the Metro car as it passed above the Potomac River on its way out of Virginia and into DC. Every morning, Carolla called her mother in Venezuela for some Jarabe de lingua. Word medicine. On that morning they chatted about the challenges of working in a brand-new school; other days they might talk about family members, or the latest news from home, or God. But the one topic they never talked about was the one Carolla most needed to discuss: that she felt she was living in a private prison, and that she was starting to become paralyzed by fear.

The train entered the Dupont Circle station. Carolla stepped onto the escalator and scanned the crowd for children wearing Green Earth t-shirts. A smile goes a long way, she thought, as she recalled what it felt like to attend a new school and not understand a single word that was said.

It had been the happiest time of her life. Her family had moved from Caracas to Houston. Carolla was ten and knew nothing of America; she thought it was the name of her new school. Everything smelled new on that first day, including the lunchbox in which her mom had placed handwritten cards of all the English expressions she’d need to make it home again.

Because of her light complexion, Carolla’s homeroom teacher didn’t realize the new girl didn’t speak English until midday. But the new girl was already hard at work. We’re only here for two years, her parents had told her in the days before the start of the school year. Use that time to speak English. Don’t hang out with the other Spanish speakers. Figure out who the smartest kids are – and mimic what they do.

She was fluent by Thanksgiving break.

Since then, Carolla had grown increasingly fascinated by the ways people learn a new language. It had been a long and winding road to the classroom – in Venezuela, it was cooler to dream of being a journalist or a TV producer, and she had already given both a try – but as she crossed the busy maze of cars and buses that filled Connecticut Avenue to reach the front doors of Green Earth, Carolla felt she was on the verge of the best year of her professional life – as long as her personal life didn’t get in the way.

 * * *

Kim Ortiz updated the enrollment numbers on her clipboard as homeroom after homeroom filed out of the gym and into the wide hallways of her school. Things always changed over the summer – families moved, families changed their minds, families got deported – and the first day of school was Ms. Ortiz’s first chance to get a more accurate head count. It was the least interesting part of her job as a public school principal – with the most important ramifications. School budgets were determined by student enrollment, so until Ms. Ortiz knew how many bodies she had in the building, she couldn’t know how much money she’d have to spend on them.

Over the summer, Ms. Ortiz had spent her time obsessing over a different number: 38. That was the percentage of children at Sutpen who were reading at or above grade level. She wondered what her grandma would say if she were still alive; something direct and honest like: “I don’t mean you no harm, but . . . what in the hell are y’all doing at that school?”

Ms. Ortiz needed some more of her grandma’s advice to manage the year ahead. Mabel Ezekiel had raised two daughters out of nothing and both had earned PhDs. She always knew how to push people, and she never got caught up in how people felt about her. Do what you have to do, and don’t apologize for it.

A year ago Ms. Ortiz had tried to do just that after learning about the Reading & Writing Project in New York City, and seeing what it had done for children and schools across the country. This wasn’t some fad of the moment; it was a proven model that had been applied by well-trained teachers in schools across the country for decades. I may not be able to do anything to guarantee that families read to their children at night, she thought. But what if I could guarantee that every classroom at Sutpen was staffed by teachers who knew how to help kids fall in love with language?

It was the kind of choice her grandma would have encouraged her to make. And she’d made it, knowing it was going to ruffle some feathers, especially after replacing someone who’d been the principal for eighteen years. Change was always difficult in schools; asking teachers to change what they’d been doing over the course of their entire careers was something else entirely. Yet when she heard folks speak nostalgically about the way Sutpen used to be, she’d think, “That’s great . . . but we have a 38% reading proficiency!”

Kim Ortiz watched as the last homeroom left the gymnasium and updated the enrollment chart on her clipboard. She touched her belly instinctively, the baby inside her still too small to be felt.

 * * *

In the new apartment she’d moved into after the separation that was a long time coming, Dora Benitez closed the bathroom door and quietly got herself ready so her son could grab a few more minutes of sleep. She looked across the street at the buildings of the Walter Reed Medical Hospital, selected the outfit for her first day as a principal – blue shirt, tan pants and sneakers – and thought back to the apartment in Corpus Christi she’d lived in as a child, the one on 6th street with the roaches and the gunfire.

That’s where the wanting had begun; it started the first time she visited a friend’s house on Ocean Drive. Why don’t we have that? How can I get that?

Her dad saw the change in his oldest daughter’s face in the following weeks – saw the building anger and resentment. There’s a difference between being schooled and being smart, he said. Education is a bridge or a border. Choose.

As a child, Dora often fished with her father. Leave it there, her dad would tell her as she recast impatiently. Wait it out, wait until it tugs. Learn to distinguish between the tide and a fish pulling on the lure.

One time she felt a tug that left no doubt. Her father watched the rod dip. She tried to pull back with enough force.

Daddy, I can’t do this.

Don’t ever say that.

The rod dipped lower and lower. Dora’s father got behind her, added his hands to the pole and screamed, REEL IT IN!

The child strained as hard as she could until a stingray emerged, its wings wider than the rowboat in which they sat. The father grabbed it before it could strike and pinned it on the floor of the tipping craft. He reached in his boot for a pair of pliers, pulled the stinger off, and bellowed at his daughter to pull the hook out.

In seconds the ray was back out of the boat and struggling back down into the Gulf’s greenish waters. Father and daughter lay there, exhausted and breathing hard. She felt like crying and laughing, then and now. He was always getting her into situations like that – situations that were bigger than she could handle – and then pushing her through them. That’s what kept him alive, she thought as she rustled Roque from colorful four-year-old dreams. He was making sure I had some of it in me.

 * * *

By 8:15am, half of Cassie’s students were still missing. As the new arrivals uneasily made their way to the pegs to hang their backpacks, she entertained the others by persuading them to join her in a can-can line. Cassie moved with energy and joy, her long arms active and welcoming. The students’ faces tilted up to closely watch the strange new woman with the narrow glasses and the wide eyes.

Students were still filing in at 8:30am, but Cassie began the day promptly. “Alright friends, let’s have everyone join me at the carpet calmly, quietly, and with everyone under control.”

Most children followed straight away; one boy still clung to his mother. She leaned down to give him a final squeeze, and then another. Cassie’s co-teacher, a dark-skinned woman with a calm disposition named Kelly, inched closer to sit nearby, smiling. The boy shifted his grasp to a full-waist hug, one eye on Kelly. She modeled a deep breath for him by lifting her shoulders and letting out a long exhale.

The boy’s grip loosened, and the mom left without looking back; he cried weakly. As Cassie explained to the rest of the class how their morning meeting time would work, Kelly knelt in front of him, speaking quietly so only he could hear.

 * * *

 “In our class,” Ms. Creagh explained, “we’ll start every day here, on the carpet, in a circle. This will be a space where we greet each other, get to know each other, and build a bridge from wherever we’ve all been earlier in the morning to wherever we want to go together later in the day.”

Ms. Creagh sat on a chair at the base of a carpet, encircled by thirty nine-year-olds that formed a human frame for the rug’s colorful map of the United States. “Today we’ll start simply, by greeting each other and learning each other’s names.”

Ms. Creagh watched as her new students rose hesitantly to introduce themselves and shake the hand of someone else in the circle. Over the years she’d come to believe that the time they took each morning for these sorts of non-academic endeavors was more valuable than anything else she did as a teacher. It was, in her mind, the way school was supposed to be – a safe space in which children could learn about themselves and each other, and a ritualized place in which the anger and anxieties of the more troubled students could be surfaced and released.

Sitting across from her at a cluster of student desks, Emily Serber was not so sure. She’d always rolled her eyes at the touchy-feely stuff. She’d also been trained to focus on academic data and backwards planning. The mark of a good teacher was having strict expectations and clear consequences – and translating those into measurable progress in a student’s ability to learn. Not once in her training had she learned about the merits of building a sense of community in the classroom. She admired efficiency in herself and in others, and a morning meeting about a group of children’s non-academic thoughts and feelings was anything but efficient.

She’d heard the arguments – that the social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum, and that how children learn is as important as what they learn. She’d also seen ways in which the ritualized morning time had paid off for some of their most troubled students over the past two years. Those were the students that drove her – the boys and girls who’d been ignored or forgotten or overlooked for too many years of their young lives. And it was thinking of their possible futures that made her wonder about the redemptive limits of learning to cooperate; what those children needed most to escape the cycle of poverty was to learn how to read.

Ms. Creagh asked for a volunteer to read the morning message to the class, while Ms. Serber scanned the faces in the room, searching for clues about the children that sat before them.

 * * *

As Laura Graber peered through the window of Carolla’s classroom to check in on the Elephants, she noticed no one was eating.

Que comer!” Carolla repeated as a boy stuffed books under his shirt, while another leaned dangerously back in his chair next to a quiet girl sucking her thumb. The lunches sat largely untouched.

Laura knew Carolla could take care of herself; she was one of the school’s most experienced hires. Yet it was clear that two very different tones were emanating from the two Kindergarten classroom.

Over the summer, Laura had randomly divided Green Earth’s five-year-olds into two sections: the Aztecas and the Tainos. As a bilingual school, the plan was for the sections to alternate days between the Spanish and English classrooms. It was just the first day, and yet while the Aztecas had cruised along without much interruption in English, the Tainos had presented a cacophony of challenges in Spanish since the moment they arrived. Laura wondered if the relative lack of Spanish spoken in the homes of her families might explain the stark contrasts between the two rooms, or if it was something different about Cassie’s or Carolla’s approach. Time would tell.

“Para, mira y escucha,” Carolla sang, trying to transition the group into some form of cleanup. Bodies spun around her in a feral ballet.

At 3:30pm, Carolla opened the door of her classroom to signal the end of the day. She smiled weakly as the Zocalo grew loud with the voices of adults and children.

Laura stood at the top of the stairwell, greeting families in Spanish and English. She felt this was her most important job as executive director: providing a face for the parents, answering any and all questions, and freeing up Dora to focus on the needs of the faculty. The queue of families stretched all the way down the stairwell and out the front door. Laura marveled once again at the trust that had been placed in her.

It had been five years since the idea for Green Earth first surfaced in the minds of Laura and a few other parents. They all had children at the same Quaker preschool, and as they all started looking for schools, they realized that a lot of what they sought wasn’t out there. Laura was not an educator, and she didn’t know much about charters at the time, though what she knew was generally critical. She’d heard people say that they skimmed the best students, siphoned valuable public dollars away from the schools that needed them most, and provided a way for corporate entities to establish moneymaking ventures where they didn’t belong. Yet as she expanded her own research and investigated the uneven landscape of DC schools, the main thing she noticed was that the charter schools always seemed to be the places with the most vitality and diversity.

Then she saw the length of their waiting lists, and she realized the city could open as many as fifty new schools and still not meet the demand. For the first time, she started to imagine leaving her work at a non-profit and actually trying to start a school from scratch.

Laura and her partners – a core group of 12 people – met over potluck dinners and glasses of wine. They researched real schools and dreamed of ideal ones. And then, after a year and a half of hard work, they deployed a team member to deliver the 100-page application to the city’s authorizing body, the Public Charter School Board (PCSB) – only to learn that their team member had gotten stuck in traffic, and the application had arrived too late.

The news was devastating – and then they learned the PCSB decided it would not accept any new applications the following year. That meant that by the time the elementary school they’d spent the past two years dreaming about could actually receive a charter and open its doors, another two years would have to pass, which meant Laura’s children – and the children of all the other founding families – would all be too old to attend it.

Over another potluck dinner, the team asked itself: Do we believe in this model because it would be great for our kids, or are we trying to make the best possible school for all kids?

Laura held bits and pieces of that journey in her mind as she chatted with a grandmother lingering at the school’s front door, near the bowl of fruit children reached into as they left. “The origin of our vision is that kids learn best through play and through things that are relevant to their lives,” she explained. “And that’s why I think the charter model is so powerful; when you start with questions like ‘why not’ or what can we do,’ everything becomes possible.”

 * * *

As the last of their aftercare students ran out of the room to head for home, Ms. Serber turned to her co-teacher pointedly. “Is it just me, or are these kiddos not reading on a third grade level?”

Ms. Creagh looked up from the pile of papers and grunted her agreement. Before her was a colorful stack of “Hopes and Dreams for Third Grade” – an exercise they always did at the beginning of the year to learn about each child’s interests and outlook. A few of the notes seemed age-appropriate, like Francesca’s wish “to go to the Baltimore museum and see the dolfin show,” or Albert’s modest hopes to “play outside.”

Then there was Noemi’s aspirational goal, expressed in nearly unintelligible spelling: “I hope to lun to slpel wrs because a m ging to go te colejig.”  And there was Rodger, a fragile, thickly-bespectacled boy whose dream was merely unintelligible. “Matlattrusala is big. You like Matlatirusla.”

“It does seem like something got lost in translation,” Ms. Creagh added as she changed into her running shoes. “But let’s give it some time. We don’t need to reinvent ourselves yet.”

 * * *

By 5:00pm, the hallways of Green Earth were empty again except for the teachers and staff. Laura retreated to the office she shared with three other people to review some of the logistical issues that had proven harder than they’d expected, like organizing snack time or getting the children to and from the nearby park for recess. Cassie opened her laptop for the first time all day to send off a few emails to the parents of children who’d been especially good. Carolla did, too, and wondered how long she could delay going home before anyone started to wonder or worry.

Dora walked through the hallways to invite everyone to join her in Cassie’s room for an end-of-day celebration. She smiled as she spoke, reflecting an energy the teachers were unable to match.

“The only way to end our first day is with a party!” said Dora. “Everyone, please come and join me around the rug.”

The staff rose and arranged themselves in a circle.  Most of them wore Green Earth t-shirts; almost all of them were young women in their first or second year of teaching. Dora had worked in schools for more than a decade, and she knew how exhausting the first day could feel. Teaching had its own form of conditioning, and no form of summer study could prepare you for the grind of standing on your feet for seven hours without a single break.

“This is a party for people who ate lunch today,” she began. “Who gave someone a pause or a timeout today. Who taught someone something valuable. For anyone who hugged someone else. And this is a party to celebrate the ways we lived up to our mission.”

Dora looked around at the faces in the circle. “Thank you all for what you did to successfully launch this school. You were wonderful today. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

Our School: Searching for Community in the Era of Choice

(a draft introduction of my new book — feedback of all sorts welcomed and encouraged.)


Unlike the others, who set off in teams to look for the twigs, branches, and leaves they would weave together to capture the essence of their school, Laura Graber searched the ground around her, alone.

It was unlike her – the person most responsible for bringing this group together in the first place to launch the Green Earth Bilingual Public Charter School from scratch, and the person most committed to doing so democratically. But now it was June, and the inaugural year was over, and the staff of twenty-one women and two men was completing its last shared activity before the start of the summer, when the size of their team would double, when they would pack up all the records and wires and playthings and poster boards and move to a new building across town, and when the glow of what had just been accomplished would start to fade in exchange for a renewed anxiety of all the new challenges to be overcome.

Laura leaned down and grabbed a branch, thin and moldable. The spot of Rock Creek Park she was in was right next to the spot she’d gone running all year to maintain her sense of balance – the only time of the week when no one could demand anything of her, and there was no problem to solve.

Teams of teachers returned to the main clearing by the creek. Cassie Hurst came back speaking with her usual energy and excitement about what she’d found and what the group should do. Jessica Rodriguez and Beth LaPenn chatted away in Spanish, their minds on their summer adventure in Madrid, just days away. And Dora Benitez was already steeling herself to be one of the ones to get in the water, because that’s what her dad would have expected of his Dolly.

Before walking to the park from the school, which would soon become just another floor in a downtown office building, Hallie Schmidt showed everyone picture books of the artwork of Andy Goldsworthy. Each page held images of evanescent sculptures Goldsworthy had made with only the materials nature provided: Circles of reconstituted icicles. Potholes along a stream filled with bright yellow dandelions. Lines of white wool along a dark stone fence.

The group decided their own sculpture would be a circle of branches, to reflect the spirit of the Oglala Lakota poem Dora had shared with them:

In the Circle, we are all equal. When in the circle,

No one is in front of you. No one is behind you.

No one is above you. No one is below you.

Some bent stacks of sticks into shape, while others wove together the many gradients of green – grass, leaves, brush – into a long, crooked line that would, they decided, form a path to lay across the center of the circle. It was always the same, Hallie thought as she watched these young people work, remembering the first cabin she and her husband had built, and then lost to a fire the night they moved in: you gather your materials, you consult your plans, you make your final decisions, and then you build the house.

     *  *  *

The Sutpen Elementary School parade began in a small park at the confluence of five city streets and three city neighborhoods. For months the weather had been cooler than usual, but by a mid-morning in June it was still hot enough to keep most of the adults huddled under the shade of the park’s aging oak trees, each group chatting casually in a different mother tongue: Vietnamese, Spanish, Amharic, English. A police car idled at the base of the street that bore the name of the neighborhood it served – Mount Pleasant – and waited for the parade to begin.

As teachers orchestrated the final arrangements – cheerleaders up front, drum and bugle corps to follow, and flag bearers representing every nation in the community picking up the rear – nine-year-old Lourdes adjusted the yellow “Nuestra Escuela” t-shirt across her sleight shoulders and grabbed hold of the large, wide Sutpen banner with three other students. As they walked to the front of the line, past a sea of family members holding cameras and camcorders, Lourdes knew not to look for a familiar face. She wouldn’t see her dad until she boarded the plane to spend the summer with him in Texas, and she had learned long ago it was best not to think about where Mami might be at any given moment. She watched the spinning lights at the top of the police car and imagined the parade was already over so she could be back on the soccer field blazing down the sideline, past all the boys, to score another goal and remind everyone how strong she really was.

The police car started crawling up the street, and the cheerleaders began their rhythmic chant: SUT-PEN! The last remaining students and adults emerged from the shade of the trees to fall in line, while a phalanx of mothers with younger children formed an impromptu stroller brigade at the back.

Lourdes watched the people gathering in interest as the parade progressed down the street. Three heads poked out of a window above the 24-hour Laundromat. A man with a lathered face got out of his chair to stand on the top step of the Pan American barbershop.  An elderly woman sipped coffee from a mug on the porch of her aging Victorian, while younger children – future Bancroft students – weaved their tricycles in between the foot traffic of the sidewalk.

As they reached the midway point of the street, Lourdes could see the white canopies of the neighborhood farmer’s market – just past the Best World supermarket on one side of the street, and the blackened facade of the burned-out apartment building on the other. Like everyone else, Lourdes had friends that had lived there and been displaced, the letters of the sign they hung in the first weeks after the tragedy starting to fade in the summer sun: HELP ME RETURN TO OUR HOME.

Two blocks away, Sutpen’s principal, Kim Ortiz, was preparing the back of the school for the parade’s arrival. Parent volunteers set up the barbeque pit and sorted the hamburgers, hot dogs, and churros for quick cooking. Another group set up the moon bounce just beyond the dunking booth – her students always loved the chance to drop their principal into a tank of cold water.

Ms. Ortiz listened for the sound of the drums.

The year had not gone the way she had hoped – far from it, really. She’d endured two different parent insurrections. She’d struggled to gain support from her staff for a new style of classroom teaching. And she had just learned that two of her best in that new style, “the Two Sarahs,” would not be returning. Yet there were days like this that always seemed to come along at just the right time to remind her why she became an educator – days when a neighborhood’s children and families would come together and remind each other that they were participating in the same dream: to unite all the children of a single community under a single roof in order to give them all an equal shot at success.

*  *  *

Imagine a year in the life of two different communities – a public charter school that was opening its doors for the very first time, and a neighborhood public school that first opened its doors in 1924.

In the fall of 2011, I embarked on a yearlong observation of these two schools, and of the city they exist to serve: Washington, DC.

Like other major American cities, the nation’s capital is experimenting with a new concept that is dramatically reshaping public education – school choice. In the past, choosing whether to “pay or stay” was something only the wealthy could do; the rest of us merely sent our kids to the local school and hoped for the best. Now, however, in cities like DC, lower- and middle-class parents are also considering a wider set of options – and confronting a wider array of obstacles. Although less than 3% of America’s schoolchildren attend charter schools – public institutions with greater freedom to pilot different approaches to teaching, learning and governance – 41% of DC’s students are enrolled in such schools, including brand-new ones like Green Earth. At the same time, many of the city’s most promising traditional public schools are receiving an increasing number of applications from families that live outside its neighborhood boundaries. In the 2011-2012 school year, for example, nearly half of Sutpen’s students lived outside the school’s attendance zone.

Consequently, although the majority of children in rural and suburban America still attend their neighborhood school, fewer and fewer urban families are doing so, opting instead to enter the chaotic and nascent marketplace of school choice, and participating in a great intra-city migration of families, each in search of a school and a community they can claim as their own.

This move toward greater school choice is particularly vital – and potentially dangerous – when one considers that public education is the only institution in American society that is guaranteed to reach 90% of every new generation, that is governed by public authority, and that was founded with the explicit mission of preparing young people to be thoughtful and active participants in a democratic society.

In this new frontier, will the wider array of school options help parents and educators identify better strategies for helping all children learn – strategies that can then be shared for the benefit of all schools? Or will the high stakes of the marketplace lead us to guard our best practices, undermine our colleagues, and privatize this most public of institutions?

I have written Our School because I believe that before we can answer these questions, we must first understand what good teaching and learning really looks like – and requires. And we must become familiar with the state of the field as it is – and as it ought to be. The specific landscape of school choice may be new, but the general challenge is as old as the country itself: E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one.

BOOK TV Coverage of We Must Not Be Afraid to Be Free

This weekend, Book TV aired coverage of the March 19 discussion of my new book We Must Not Be Afraid to Be Free: Stories of Free Expression in America, which occurred as part of this year’s Virginia Festival of the Book.

Aside from a few crowd shots, where it appears people are preparing to have their teeth drilled without novocaine, I think it was an engaging, lively discussion about a topic that is as relevant today as ever. But judge for yourself at